Lots of literature was available on the thermal performances of vapour compression refrigeration systems and based on the literature
it was observed that researchers have gone through detailed first law and second law analysis in terms of coefficient of performance
and second law analysis in terms of exergetic efficiency of a simple vapour compression refrigeration system with the single evaporator.
Researchers did not go through for finding the irreversibility of system and exergy losses /destruction using entropy generation of
simple (double stage and triple stage)VCR and stages in compression and Multiple evaporators systems with multi-stage expansion
and compound compression in vapour compression refrigeration systems. In this paper, comparative thermodynamic analysis of
system-1 (multiple evaporators and compressors with individual expansion valves) and system-2 (multiple evaporators and
compressors with multiple expansion valves) has been presented which is based on energy and exergy principles. The comparison
of systems-1 and -2 using eco-friendly R410A, R290, R1234YF, R502, R404A, R152A, and R134A refrigerants was done in terms
of first law efficiency (COP) known as energetic efficiency, exergetic efficiency and rational efficiency and exergy destruction
ratio based on exergy of fuel and total irreversibility occurred in the system (%) Exergy losses in the various components known as
system defect. The numerical model has been developed for systems-1 and -2 for finding out irreversibility and it was observed that
system-1 is a better system in comparison with system-2 for selected refrigerants. It was also found that R123 shows better
performances than other considered refrigerants for both systems. The comparison was also done using eighteen eco-friendly
refrigerants with R12 and it was found that R600, R600a, R290 and R152A show better performances than other refrigerants for
both systems but due to flammable property of R600, R600a and R290 and R152a, HFO refrigerant R1234yf and R1234ze are
preferred for both systems.
This article is published in peer review journal and open access journal, International journal of research in engineering and innovation (IJREI) which have a high impact factor journal for more details regarding this article, please go through our journal website.
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