
Environmental health infrastructural management for smart India

The Health system in India depends mainly on the central Government, State Government or public sector for financing and formulation of policies and service delivery of health infrastructure. The health system is faced a lot of challenges, its display when the budget distribution in terms of national resource allocation. Less allocation for the budget in the health sector also affecting health infrastructure in India. Therefore, this is a serious problem affecting the health infrastructure. In its early phase, the health system in India was primarily focused on providing curative services targeting maternal, child and newborn health. Since the 1990s, with the development of modern science and technology and with the greater role of United Nations agencies and non-government organizations, the health systems gradually shifted its emphasis equally on health promotion and preventative services. Therefore, health services also expanded its infrastructure reach. This paper is based on an extensive review of vital role and improvement in the health infrastructure in rural and urban India in India and data have been collected from various sources i.e. Govt and non Govt agencies

This article is published in peer review journal and open access journal, International journal of research in engineering and innovation (IJREI) which have a high impact factor journal for more details regarding this article, please go through our journal website.

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